Artist Statement
For the Exquisite Corpse Soundscape, we used various audios to create an experience or narrative when listening. My original idea was very specific and turn out to be not realistic with the sound audios provided. I wanted to use only sounds that only occur naturally however, based on what was available I took my soundscape down a different path. I decided to recreate the sounds of a day to day feeling like the bird chirping in the beginning as your alarm is blaring to wake you up. Then you go on to brush your teeth and flush the toilet and continues to you eating and so on. I the used sounds that would happen in your life like typing on a computer or the sound of taking photos or cars whooshing by. I put the various tracks in the audition platform and played around with cutting the tracks and adding effects. I did like the clock aspect to convey the theme that time is moving in your day. I do agree some sections in the middle are a little out of place but what I was going for was it sounds like you wake up in the morning, but you really don’t because it was all a dream and weird things begin to happen inside the dream to you which is why I included some distortion sounds to my track. This theme can be seen with how I ended my track with the alarm and birds chirping just like at the beginning. Because at the end is where you actually wake up. I do think I could have conveyed this is a better way, but I was having trouble using the effects in a way that communicated the theme. I learned how to edit sounds and play with the idea that any sound can become a story or even music like even if it is not musical notes that are being played. Overall, I am glad I got to experiment and create something interesting.