The bread dough reminded her of Santa Clause’s belly.
Summertime, and the livin' is fun
Fruits are dancing and the brains are high
Oh, your bother's hot and your mother is exciting
So hush my crazy honeybun, don't you cry
Have you ever wondered about toes? Why 10 toes and not 12. Why are some bigger than others? Some people can use their toes to pick up things while others can barely move them on command. Some toes are nice to look at while others are definitely not something you want to look at. Toes can be stubbed and make us scream. Toes help us balance and walk. 10 toes are just something to ponder.
Unfriendly come down
A single, pebble waddles
at the perfect cake
kalonbeauty that is more than skin deep
fatuoussilly; purposeless